Most of the get-paid-to programs have "freebie" offers. These are offers that do not require a credit card. They do not pay a lot (anywhere from .10 to several dollars) but take very little to complete - anywhere from 10 seconds to 3 minutes in my experience. Doing freebies is a very quick and easy way to increase your earnings, especially if you are unable to or do not wish to use a credit card, or if you want to start off with free offers and then work your way up to trial
offers after you've received your first payment. The earning potential with freebies is probably more than you would think.
Tip & Tricks for freebie offers:
The freebies result in a ton of junk emails. For this reason you want to set up several "junk" email addresses and alternate these when doing the free offers. This way your main email address will not get slammed. There are also several little "tricks" that you need to master in order to insure a high rate of approval on your freebie offers.
1. Clear your cookies/cacheon your pc between every single offer.
2. Alternate several email addresses while doing the free offer. Many of the freebies are
through the same company/site so when you clear your cookies and use a different email address then you are seen as a new customer. You do not have to use a different email address with every single freebie offer. Just make sure you do this when you are completing freebies
that are through the same company. For example, one type of freebie survey is called WIN surveys (or winner's surveys). Don't do multiple WIN surveys with the same email address - alternate them.
3. Make your email address look "new" is to add a period somewhere within it. For example, if your email is myemail@gmail, then use it during a new freebie offer by typing or myem.ail@gmail. The period (.) tricks the site into thinking it's a new email address that has never been used before. And don't worry about this being fraudulent or sneaky. Even the program sites will tell you that you need to do these little tricks in order to have the best success with offer approval. Remember, if the advertiser/company doesn't confirm to the program that you completed the offer then you can't be compensated for it. So you definitely want to do all that you can in order to get your offers approved. So clear cookies/cache between *all* offers.. freebies and trial offers. Don't alternate email addresses on the trial offers (those that require a
credit card). They will send you confirmation emails and you want those to all go to an email account that you visit regularly.
4. There are also many free offers that pay $1-$6 (and more) which require that you only request more information about a product or service...or just request a free car/life insurance quote etc. Doing thevarious freebie offers is a very simple, risk free, fast way to build up your earnings.
5. Gmail is great for free email accounts. They offer a lot of storage. You have to have an invitation to join if you haven't already. You can use them to set up several "junk" addresses.
Helpful downloads (free):
A wonderful and essential free download is CCleaner
Keep the box up while you are doing offers and then when it's time to clear cookies just click "run cleaner" and it clears off all the unnecessary files, cookies, temp files, etc. on your computer. **Remember that when you are logged into any site and then clear cookies, it will also clear your log-in cookie which in turn will log you out of the site. In order to prevent this from occurring open your ccleaner box, click "options", then "cookies". There will be 2 boxes. The box on the
left contains websites you have recently visited. The box on the left is your "safe" box. Click on your program url's in the left hand box and add them to your safe box. This will prevent you from being logged out when clearing your cookies, so you will not have to log back in every single time you complete an offer. For example, move or any other Get Paid To site URL to your "safe" box so when you clear cookies you will remain logged into this site.
Another essential free download is Roboform This will save you tons of time. You get to have two profiles with name, address, phone number, even emails and passwords, and this program will fill in long registration forms for you with the click of one button. The program will also save your PTR/GPT site logins and passwords for you!
Sign up for a free phone number with netzero and use it on freebie offers since many of them will generate unsolicited calls. Anyone who calls your netzero number can leave a voice mail which you can check by phone or online.
Several people have reported having better success at getting approved for offers using Mozilla Firefox as their browser in place of Internet Explorer. (If you are not already using Firefox, it's a FABULOUS browser and I highly recommend it for PTR sites as well!)
An option is go to Tools in your browser window and set your internet options under your privacy tab to "accept all cookies". This does not decrease the security of your PC but it does help to insure approval of offers.
More About Using Different Emails on Offers:
You don't have to use a new email address for every single freebie offer. That would result in you having to create hundreds of emails
Set up 5 new email addresses. Make them easy to remember. Then visit your GPT program. Click on a freebie offer and complete it using any one of your emails. Afterwards clear cookies/cache. Open up another freebie but open a different type, one that is not through the same site. For example. If you just did a WIN survey then do a bigwin or brand
survey next. The titles of the surveys will be different so you should know. Open it and complete it using the same email address. So basically use one email address to do multiple free offers that are all through different companies. Then the next day or later that night go back and do more freebies.. mix them up between companies and use another email address... and so on.
And here is something that will really cut down your time when doing the
When to stop on freebies:
Consumer Promotion Center - Submit 2nd page
Brand Survey Panel - Submit 2nd page
Consumer Expression - Do until you see message in black at the top that reads "Thank you. Your information has been received successfully..." There will be an additional survey beneath this message. Do not do it.
My Elite Rewards - Submit 2nd page
Rewards Gateway - Submit 2nd page
Consumer Beat - Do until you see message in black at the top that reads "Thank you. Your information has been received successfully..."
Winning Surveys - Do until you see message in black at the top that reads "Thank you. Your information has been received successfully..."
My Insider Deals - Give info and choose offer on 2nd page. Submit. You're done.
Survey Networks - Do until you see message in black at the top that
reads "Thank you. Your information has been received successfully..."
My Select Gifts - Submit 2nd page
Opinion Direct - Do until you see message in black at the top that
reads "Thank you. Your information has been received successfully..."
Savings List - Submit 2nd page (choose offer)
Net Panel - Done when progress bar in upper right corner shows empty again but you are done.
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